South Bend Liquid Road Project 2023
As part of the City’s Pavement Preservation Program the streets in your neighborhood will receive a Liquid Road surfacing treatment.
South Bend Liquid Road Street Locations
South Bend Letter to Residents
See below for the daily surfacing schedule. Click on the street name for the daily work area.
Streets will be closed off completely for cracksealing and surfacing. Streets will be closed completely for two days . Streets will be barricaded and coned off.
Directional signs and NO PARKING signs will be posted.
We will provide traffic control. Please obey flaggers if present.
DO NOT park on the streets. Tow trucks will be on standby to remove
vehicles parked on the street. Please contact any contractors, lawn
service providers and deliveries to notify them of these restrictions.
Surfacing is weather-dependent. Rain will alter the schedule. If your
street is rained out, it will be scheduled for the next day. The entire
schedule will be pushed back according to the weather.
LIQUID ROAD Ultrablend is an applied liquid (Application Video). It is a two-coat system. We will apply the first coat in the morning starting at 7 AM.
We will apply the second coat as quickly as drying time allows. We
expect to have the second coat applied by early afternoon. The street will remain closedthat night to allow proper drying time for the material. The street is expected to be opened at approx 9AM the next morning. Please plan accordingly.
DO NOT drive through wet surfacing. This is what happens. Driving through or walking on wet Sealer will track and splash on cars. When Liquid Road is dry, it will not track. If barricades and orange cones are in place, the surface is still wet – DO NOT drive or walk in the coned-off area.
MONDAY 8-28-23 RED Cleaning and Cracksealing
TUESDAY 8-2923 RED Liquid Road Application
WEDNESDAY 8-30-23 BLUE Cleaning and Cracksealing
THURSDAY 8-31-23 BLUE Liquid Road Application
TUESDAY 9-5-23 GREEN Cleaning and Cracksealing
Illinois Jefferson to Washington
WEDNESDAY 9-6-23 GREEN Liquid Road Application
Illinois Jefferson to Washington
Thursday 9-7-23 GREEN Liquid Road Application
FRIDAY 9-8-23 GREEN Liquid Road Application